Alert Policies
Telmai provides a set of out-of-the-box policies that are automatically created when a new dataset is added. Users also have the flexibility to create their own custom policies
Out-of-box Policies
Below is the list of pre-defined policies
What is Monitored?
Schema Drifts
Changes in schema; example: column added or removed
Freshness Drifts
Table and record level freshness drifts
Note: For this policy to take effect, timestamp attribute must be identified
Record Count Drifts
Changes in the number of scanned rows
Correctness Drifts
Changes in the percentage of correct records based on defined expectations
Numeric Value Drifts
Changes in averages of numeric values for an attribute
Value Distribution Drifts
Changes in the distribution of the top 20 most frequent categorical values
Data Drifts
Changes in various value formats (length, special characters, number of tokens, etc.)
Record Count Correlation Drifts
Changes in data volume across correlated tables with defined lineage
Note: Table lineage must be defined for this policy to be effective
Uniqueness Correlation Drifts
Changes in data uniqueness across tables with defined lineage
Note: For this policy to take effect, you need to define the tables lineage
Modifying/Reviewing Existing Policies
You can view, modify, or disable existing policies anytime by navigating to the “Alerting Policies” page and selecting the relevant dataset. The policies are displayed in a table with the following properties:
Name: Policy name (User-defined policies are marked in yellow; Telmai out-of-the-box policies are marked in green)
Metric: The monitored metric
Status: Indicates whether the policy is enabled or disabled
Edit: Modify policy properties or scope.
Notifications: Toggle notifications on or off
Delete: Remove the policy (Available only for custom policies)
User Defined Policy
Users can create custom policies to monitor any of the calculated metrics. These metrics are tracked by specifying a threshold that triggers an alert when violated. The supported thresholds include:
Supported Threshold
Telmai-ML Telmai’s built-in anomaly detection using machine learning
Relative Drift Percentage change in data compared to previous scans or the average of scans
Acceptable Range Check if a metric falls within a specified range
Steps to Create a Custom Policy
Navigate to “Alerting Policies” page & chose the “Policies” Tab
Click the "New Policy" button to start defining your policy.
A side menu will appear similar to this image
Select desired “Tracked Metric” from the list of
User-defined metrics, or
Health metric calculated by Telmai
Based on Metric selection, the user may need to select tracked attributes (ex: correctness, the user will need to specify associated attributes)
Select detection type Note: In case of Relative and Range detections, the user can specify how to handle the metric when not available (replace by zero or average)
Only follow the below steps if you want to be notified when an alert is generated Click Next to set notification destinations
Navigate to the Notifications tab within the New Policy page
Click +Add Channel
Select a value from the list of defined channels.
Repeat step 2&3 for all desired channels
After providing the required info, click Save
Last updated