Data Quality Rules

Telmai Data Correctness Rules

One of the key metrics tracked by Telmai is the “Correctness” metric. It is defined as the percentage of records which are valid based on a corresponding rule or combination of rules. Correctness is - For example, for a table with 1M rows; if 50,000 records are invalid, correctness is then 95%.

The row validity checks (data expectations) are defined by users via Correctness Rules.

Correctness Rules

Correctness Rules are evaluated at row level. A single rule may validate one or more attribute values (plain or nested object) against a condition.

Rules are created following SQL-like syntax that uses variables and functions to perform the validation. The main key features for rules:

  • Eases the process of applying the same rule against multiple tables through templating

  • Rules DSL (domain specific language) allows for version control and management in a simple human-readable format

  • Optimized algorithms for unlimited number of rules for faster and more efficient processing

Building a Correctness Rule

Creating a correctness rule requires performing the following steps:

  1. Define variables that will be used in the rule

    • Variables can be assigned to static lists of values, range, entered manually or uploaded, from files; etc.

  2. Map variables to attributes used in the expression

  3. Write rule expression

Define and Map Variables

Users can define variables to be used in their rule. Supported variable types:

  • Array of strings

  • Constant string value

  • Range (date-time or integer)

  • Reference to an attribute


We can define the following two variables (accepted_country_list, var_1):

  • accepted_country_list = [USA, Canada]

  • var_1 = country_name

User can then write a rule like following


EXPECT value IN accepted_country_list

This rule checks if a value from the attribute country_name is in the list of accepted values. First it defines an expression var_1, which is a trivial expression, which doesn’t add any transformation to the original value. And after that it sets an expectation that the value of the expression should be in the list to which the previously defined variable is assigned.

Writing Rule Expression

A correctness rule consists of three parts:

WITH <transformation>

Variable transformation:

Optional section. It allows the user to create a transformation of one or more attributes to be validated and reused within the expression multiple times


WITH concat(country, '|', state) AS loc

This creates a new variable “loc” that can be used in validation



Validated expression:

This could be simply validating an attribute as is, or adding transformation or case clause.




when loc = 'US|CA' then country IN ('Alameda', 'Contra-Costa')

when loc = 'UAE|Dubai' then country IS NULL

else false //default output




Expected results

Expectation for the expression above. After the “EXPECT” keyword, the validation begins.


EXPECT is_true

this means the value of validated expression is expected to be true, and anything else is a violation)

How to get alerted for rule violation?

Once a rule is created, users can assign the rule to a policy and specify the threshold for alerting.

Variables transformation

This step allows defining variables from combining existing attributes to be used at a later step of validation. This can simplify writing the evaluated expression specially in case when multiple checks are applied.

To define a transformation, you can follow the following syntax:

WITH <transformation> AS <new_variable_name>

Telmai uses standard Spark SQL syntax for those transformations.

Evaluated expression

This is a Spark SQL expression. It allows users to define what will be evaluated, and exposes a wide range of SQL functions to allow for conditional checks.

Scenario 1: Validate attribute value as is, without transformations

VALIDATE my_column// Some code

This validates “my_column” without any transformation

Scenario 2: Apply standard functions to attribute value

VALIDATE foo(my_column)

This validates “my_column” after applying the “foo” function to it.

Scenario 3: Cases

VALIDATE case when my_colA <> 0 then my_colB else my_colC end

This validates the rule by using my_colB when my_colA is not 0; otherwise, it uses my_colC


Expectation is defined through the context and the expected value.

EXPECT <context> [<operator>] <expected_value>

Expectation context

The expectation context (<context>) is how the value gets evaluated. It can be any of the following:




Compressed pattern of the expression value



Expanded pattern of the expression value


Frequency of the expression value


String length of the expression value


Expression value as number


Count of spaces in the expression value


Spec characters count of the expression value


String representation of the expression value

Expectation operator

The expectation operator (<operator>) is an optional field. It’s the condition operator for the context and the expected value. It can be from the following list:




Value is in the list.

Expected value must be in the list.


Value in range including boundaries. Expected value must be in the range.


Boolean negation operator


Value is not in the list

Expected value must not be in the list.


Value out of range

Expected value must be outside of the range.

Expected value

Expected value (<expected_value>) can be set using a static value or the boolean-functions belo

Static value



["a", "b", "c"]







Boolean function



True if expression contains PII data


True if expression contains credit card number pattern


True if expression contains IP address


True if expression contains phone number pattern


True if expression contains social security number pattern


True if expression contains zip code


Value is only from alphabetic characters


Value is UTC date pattern


Value is UTC date-time pattern


Value is email


Value is false (case insensitive string comparison, and not boolean)


Value is numeric value


Value is a trimmed string


Value is true (case insensitive string comparison, and not boolean)


Value satisfy regex pattern


VALIDATE Var_1 expect is_date  
# Check if Var_1 is a valid date  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect contains_pii  
# Check if Var_1 contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII)  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect numeric_value in_range (1, 20)  
# Ensure Var_1 is a number within range 1 to 20  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect numeric_value out_of_range length_range  
# Ensure Var_1’s numeric value is outside a length range  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect expanded_pattern IN valid_age  
# Validate Var_1 against an expanded pattern for valid age  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect compressed_pattern in valid_compressed_pattern  
# Validate Var_1 using a compressed pattern  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect value IN accepted_country_list  
# Check if Var_1 value is in the accepted country list  

VALIDATE Var_1 expect value=valid_input  
# Ensure Var_1 exactly matches valid_input  

VALIDATE concat(firstname, '.', lastname) expect value=fullname  
# Validate full name format as firstname.lastname  

VALIDATE Country expect length<>5  
# Ensure Country field length is not equal to 5  

VALIDATE my_column expect frequency=1  
# Ensure my_column has exactly one occurrence  

VALIDATE Country expect regex(^[a-zA-Z]+$)  
# Validate Country contains only letters (no numbers/special characters)  

Combining Expectations

User is able to combine multiple expectations using AND/OR operator:

EXPECT <expectation_1> AND <expectation_2> OR <expectation_3>


VALIDATE case when Status='Active' and LastLogin < current_date - 30 then 'Inactive' else 'Valid' end expect value='Valid'  
# Mark users as inactive if they haven't logged in for 30+ days, otherwise expect 'Valid'  

with concat(Country1, ' | ', Country2) AS loc VALIDATE loc expect length<20  
# Ensure concatenated location (Country1 | Country2) has a length less than 20  

VALIDATE Password expect spec_char_count>=1 AND space_count=0 AND length>=8  
# Ensure Password has at least 1 special character, no spaces, and is at least 8 characters long  

VALIDATE Password expect (spec_char_count>=1 AND space_count=0) OR length>=20  
# Ensure Password has at least 1 special character and no spaces, or is at least 20 characters long  

Rule Templates

Rule Templates is a predefined rule where the expectation is defined, then applied to 1 or more attributes. Users are recommended to use rule templates when the same check is applied on multiple tables. This centralizes the definition of the rule, and allows managing the rule from a single place.

To use a rule template, the user only maps attributes within their table to variables within the rules.

Creating a Rule

The following flow diagram describes the steps to create a new rule or rule template:

  1. Define rule info:

    • Rule name

    • Rule description

    • [Optional] Template being used (this is only if creating a rule)

  2. Set static variables:

    • These are variables that are validated against, and are not dynamic in nature; ex: list of allowed countries

  3. Set input variables:

    • These are variables that are mapped to attributes in the table

    • In case this is a rule, user will need to map the attributes to variables

  4. Write expression

Note; In case user is using an existing template, only input variables need to be mapped to variables in the table

Alerting Policies

Automatically, all created rules are monitored via an out-of-box policy “Correctness Rules Violation”. Users can add new policies and pick the desired rules and threshold to be alerted on

Last updated