Tables hosted in Hive Metastore
Navigate to the Iceberg Configuration Page
Go to your project's dashboard.
Under Source Systems, select Iceberg.
Configure Connection Details
Fill in the required fields as follows:
Thrift URI: Enter the Thrift URI to connect to Hive Metastore using thrift protocol.
Database: Specify the database where Iceberg table resides.
Location Type: Choose the type of storage, where physical data files are present. (Currently only GCS supported)
For GCS:
Project ID: Provide your project identifier.
Client ID: Enter your client identifier.
Email: Provide your email for authentication.
Private Key ID: Enter the private key ID.
Private Key: Enter the private key.
For Azure:
Not Supported
For S3:
Not Supported
Validate Connection
After filling all fields, click Next.
The system will validate your connection parameters.
If successful, you will proceed to Table selection.
Create Source
After table selection, click Confirm to create the data source.
Last updated